In the fight against the COVID-19epidemic, GEM has been racing against time to help!As of Feb. 25, GEM has donatedprevention and control materials such as masks, protective suits, infrared thermometers,sanitation bins, disinfectants, and other donations to the epidemic area, andhas donated more than 6 million yuan. At the same time, GEM continued to carryout food-delivery activities to “warm the heart and fight the epidemic”, takingactual actions to participate in joint prevention and control of variousregions, jointly combating the epidemic situation, and shouldering morecorporate social responsibility。
As of date, GEM has donated3.2 million RMB to Hubei epidemic area and 2.8-million RMB worth of preventionand control materials, including:
Sanitation bins 1,960(Huoshenshan Hospital 1,000)
Disinfectant 116.135tons(116,135kg)
Medical mask 28,000
Infrared thermometer 450
Goggle 600
Protective suit 200
Medical gloves 16,900
Medical alcohol 835L
1、Infrared thermometers foremergency use delivered to the Hubei epidemic area
Epidemic situation is the order,providing prevention and control is our responsibility. On Feb. 20, it was saidthat Jingmen was in shortage of infrared thermometers. GEM decided to donate abatch of infrared thermometers to Jingmen immediately. Thousands of GEMemployees were looking for the equipment in Shanghai, Wuxi, Tianjin, Beijing,Xiamen, Guangzhou and other cities. Finally, on the afternoon of Feb. 22, it waslearned that there were a number of infrared thermometers in Shenzhen. Thestaff of purchasing department went to the site and completed the purchase assoon as possible right after confirming the goods. Subsequently, these infraredthermometers were urgently sent to Jingmen through the SF Express. On theafternoon of Feb. 25, Jingmen GEM donated 450 infrared thermometers to Jingmenepidemic prevention and control headquarters, and immediately put them into usein the frontline of prevention and control in epidemic areas.
2、Domestic and internationalcollection of medical masks urgently
In the case of shortage ofprotective materials, GEM 16 parks mobilized all the possible channelsincluding overseas business and markets (customers) to urgently purchase protectivematerials and donated to the frontline workers who needed.
Misfortune tests the sincerityof the friendship.With the assistance of PohangCity, South Korea, where the GEM Korea Joint Venture Plant (ECOPRO-GEM) islocated, the Pohang government raised 5,000 medical masks for Jingmen, anddonated them to the frontline of Jingmen through GEM, providing spiritualmotivation for Jingmen to win the epidemic prevention and control battle.
3、Emergency production ofdisinfectant, two parks at full capacity to provide disinfectant for thefrontline of anti-epidemic for free
Facing the huge demand fordisinfectant on the frontline of the epidemic, GEM Jingmen and Taixing Parkmade full use of the advantages of technology and talents, and decisively usedthe by-products of existing production equipment and production processes tourgently configure disinfectant for more than ten cities in Hubei and Jiangsu.which greatly meets the local urgent need for disinfectant.
From Feb. 4 to 25, GEMprovided a total of 4,399 barrels (116.135 tons / 116,135 kg) of disinfectantto the society, equivalent to more than 1 million RMB, and the distributiontargets involved more than 500 units and communities in Hubei and JiangsuProvince, which has greatly eased the contradiction between local governmentand community residents in the demand for disinfectant.
1.Fast approval, GEM\'sdisinfectant production license hits speed
Since Feb. 4, the two majorproduction bases of Jingmen and Taixing Park have been carefully prepared, conductedtrial production and park prevention and control to ensure that disinfectantproduction, product quality and inspection are all qualified, and that epidemicprevention and control are in place and production standards are reached.
On the evening of Feb. 14,Jingmen GEM quickly submitted an application to Jingmen High-tech Zone online.The Jingmen City Healthcare Bureau organized a special review overnight. TheHubei Provincial Healthcare Commission has adopted a special mode of “online +video + on-site audit” to jointly complete the review and issue thecertificate, creating the fastest speed for the production of a disinfectantproduction license in Hubei Province. After obtaining the license for thedisinfection product manufacturing enterprise, GEM Jingmen Park operated atfull capacity for 24 hours to produce sodium hypochlorite products, with adaily output of 100 tons, ensuring that all the disinfectant produced every daywas delivered to the frontline for free.
On Feb. 21, GEM Taixing Parkalso obtained the license for the disinfection product manufacturing enterpriseissued by the Jiangsu Healthcare Commission. While ensuring the normalproduction and operation of the park\'s leading products, Taixing Park fullyinvested in the production of urgently needed disinfection products forepidemic prevention and control, alleviating the current shortage of localdisinfection products, and participating in the epidemic prevention and controlfight with practical actions.
2.GEM continues to donate disinfectantsto society at full capacity
From Feb. 4 to 25, GEM JingmenPark donated 4001 barrels (106.185 tons / 106,185 kg) of disinfectant to Wuhan,Jingmen, Xiaogan, Yichang, Xiangyang, Huanggang, Qianjiang, Suizhou, Enshi,Jingzhou, Tianmen, Shishou, Jianli, Honghu, Xiantao, Zhongxiang, and Jingshan,and distributed a total of 476 units to meet the demand for disinfectant incities in Hubei epidemic area.From Feb. 4 to 25, GEM TaixingPark donated 398 barrels of disinfectant (9.950 tons / 9,950 kg) to 75 unitsincluding the Taixing Economic Development Zone Management Committee of JiangsuProvince, and assisted in sending them to the units to fight the epidemic.
4、Continue to provide fooddelivery services, and continuously inject heartwarming for the prevention andcontrol of the frontline。
Since Feb 4, the GEM JingmenPark Joint Control Prevention Volunteer Team has provided a food deliveryservices for free for Jingmen City\'s centralized isolation hotel, as well aslocal epidemic prevention and control departments and community medical staff,providing an average of about 1,000meals per day. As of Feb. 25, more than15,000 meals have been delivered to the frontline.
GEM\'s fight was well receivedby cities in Hubei\'s epidemic area, and won praises and appreciations from thelocal government and residents., Securities Times, Hubei Daily andother mainstream media across the country have also reported on GEM\'sdetermination to fight against the epidemic and take the initiative to help thesociety.
At present, the epidemicsituation in the country is improving, but the epidemic situation in HubeiProvince, which is the most affected area, is still severe. This is a toughbattle, and GEM won\'t stop winning the people\'s war against epidemic!
Ruthless epidemic,GEM with love
GEM won\'t stop winning theepidemic
Pic 1GEM Wuhan Park donated 1,000sanitation bins to Wuhan Huoshenshan Hospital
Pic 2GEM has donated disinfectants (116.135tons / 116,135 kg) to more than ten cities in Hubei and Jiangsu.
Pic 3GEM donated 450 infraredthermometers to Jingmen
Pic 4 Pohang City of South Koreadonated 5,000 medical masks to Jingmen City of Hubei Province through GEM
Pic 5 Jingmen City Healthcare Bureau went to the GEM Jingmenpark for disinfectant production site inspection and on-site review ofapplication
Address:20/F, Building A, Rongchao Binhai Mansion, Haixiu Road, New Centre District, Bao'an, Shenzhen, China
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