On the morning of September 12, 2019, CaoGuangjing, vice-governor of Hubei Province and accompanied by Hu Daoyin, deputysecretary general of Hubei provincial government, Shi Zheng, the director of Departmentof Emergency Management of Hubei Province, Zhang Aiguo, secretary of JingmenMunicipal Party committee, Sun Bing, the mayor of Jingmen municipal government,and Hu Xiaoguo, vice-mayor of Jingmen municipal government, visited the GEM(Jingmen) Recycling Industrial Park. Professor Xu Kaihua, secretary of theparty committee of GEM and chairman of GEM, warmly welcomed deputy governor CaoGuangjing and his delegation.
Vice-governor Cao and his delegationvisited the GEM revamping wallboard of safety and environmental protection, theNCM precursor manufacturing center and production safety control center. Duringthe visit, chairman Xu Kaihua introduced GEM’s safety concept of "Life isabove everything, work must be guaranteed by safety." and environmental concept:“No Operation can be Run Unless it Proves to be Harmless!” It showed GEM\'sdetermination in making painful self-adjustment to bring the highest standardon safety and environmental protection, carried out the safety and environmentalprocess flow management of GEM high quality products and the 24-hour fullcoverage information monitoring system of hazard sources in the Park aredisplayed. In 2019, with the motto of "Safety and EnvironmentalManagement, Green Transformation, moving towards a New Era of High QualityDevelopment", GEM completely controlled the key safety sources, carriedout comprehensive safety rectification activities, and further promoted"6S" construction.
During the visit, vice-governor Cao askedin detail about the company\'s safety management and emergency protectionmeasures. Wang Qiang, director of GEM safety management department, presentedthe liquid level, temperature and concentration and other information ofammonia station monitored online by the production safety control centersystem. The safety status and how to control the safety of the dangerouschemical warehouse were introduced in detail. At the same time, the emergencysimulation of the accident was carried out by using the online fire alarm andbroadcasting video system, and the fire anti-aircraft gun drill weredemonstrated on the site.
Vice-governor Cao Guangjing affirmed theresults of GEM achievements in safety management and regulation, and GEM shouldcontinue the hard work on safety, control the source, stick to the safety redline, and ensure production safety.
Zhang Kun, the deputy general manager of GEM,accompanied the visit.
Pic.1 Vice-governor Cao Guangjing (front left 2) andhis delegation visited the GEM revamping wallboard of safety and environmentalprotection
Pic.2 Vice-governor Cao Guangjing (left 2) and hisdelegation visited the NCM precursor manufacturing center
Pic.3 Vice-governor Cao Guangjing (left 4) and hisdelegation visited the GEM production safety control center
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