Review the History of Waste Management, Experience the Recycling Revolution, Ensure Development through Innovation and Dominate the Circular Economy Industry
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:148

From 23rd to 25th of November 2016, the first "China International Circular Economy Exhibition" was co-organised by the China Association of Circular Economy and China World Trade Center Co., Ltd. in the National Convention Center (Beijing). As one of the leading enterprises in exploiting secondary resources from “Urban Mines”, GEM participated in the exhibition with the theme of "Review the History of Waste Management and Experience the Recycling Revolution".

During the exhibition, GEM’s outstanding achievements in the field of circular economy were presented in four aspects, including: Urban Mines, a Real-Time Monitoring Platform, Advanced Materials and Products, and a Showcase for R&D Achievements, e.g. Intellectual Property. Visitors were excited about the “Waste Museum” that exhibited televisions from different generations and electronic equipment from major international and national brands. The most popular showpieces included the oldest television produced in China as called the “China’s First Screen”; the revolution of Leica cameras made in Germany and the Apple computers made in 1980s and 1990s. In addition, the wall that made of hundreds of waste printed circuit boards successfully emphasised the importance and value of recovering secondary materials from urban mines. After the visit, governmental officers, industrial experts and audience spoke highly of GEM and appreciated its efforts on developing innovative technologies to achieve a circular economy.

On 24th November 2016, the Symposium on Urban Mining Innovation and Development was held in the China National Convention Centre. Professor Xu Kaihua, Vice President of China Association of Circular Economy, Chairman of “Urban Mining” Innovation and Development Alliance and CEO of GEM Co., Ltd. summarised the achievements of the Innovation and Development Alliance. Numerous suggestions were proposed by Professor Xu Kaihua, including: 1) promote the development of technological innovation; 2) achieve high-value utilisation of urban mines; 3) undertake research on strategies and policies; 4) promote standardisation and the development of certification system for sustainable consumption; 5) take advantage of the advanced models of “urban mining” and associated achievements; and 6) research on “one belt, one road” scheme, undertake technological collaboration internationally. Professor Xu Kaihua’s insights into the future development of urban mining industry were highly commended by governmental officers and industrial experts.

Advanced philosophy of circular economy and its unique display approach made GEM’s booth one of the most attractive stands in the exhibition. GEM’s booth was visited and highly praised by a number of governmental officers, including: Ma Rong (the Deputy Director of the Resource Conservation and Environmental Protection Division in the National Development and Reform Commission), Zhang Xuchen (Deputy Secretary and Mayor of Baiyin City, Gansu Province) and Zhao Jiarong (Honorary President of China Association of Circular Economy), etc. All representatives from the European Delegation of Circular Economy, European and Taiwan manufacturers were impressed by GEM’s intelligent information platform and advanced innovative technologies. Both CCTV and BTV reported on GEM and introduced its real-time remote monitoring system. During the interview, CEO Xu Kaihua commented that recovered materials generated by GEM can supply about 70% of the national demand.

Based on the theme of “Develop A Circular Economy through Innovation”, there were over 200 exhibitors participated the exhibition and covered nine subjects: 1) Industrial Circular Economy, 2) Agricultural Circular Economy, 3) Waste Management, Recycling and Remanufacturing, 4) Water Minimisation and Recycling, 5) Low-Carbon and Renewable Energy, 6) Clean Production, 7) Pollution Prevention and Ecological Restoration Technology, 8) Circular Economy Culture and 9) International and National Techniques and Equipment for A Circular Economy. During the exhibition, professional forums, project promotion and technology matchmaking events were also organised.

Figure 1. Display wall of GEM’s “Urban Mines”.

Fig 2. A speech was given by CEO Xu Kaihua at the Symposium on Urban Mining Innovation and Development

Fig. 3. Deputy Director Ma Rong (the 1st from the left) visited the booth of GEM.

Figure 4 Mayor Zhang Xuchen (the third from left) shook hands with CEO Xu Kaihua after the visit.

Figure 5. CEO Xu Kaihua was interviewed by CCTV and BTV during the exhibition.

Figure 6. International experts and visitors visited the booth of GEM.


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