Warmly Welcome Kanamori Takeshi, Chief Representative of Mitsui China , to Visit GEM
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:145

On August 3rd, 2016, Kanamori Takeshi, Chief Representative of Mitsui China, and his group visited GEM. Zhou Jifeng, Deputy General Manager of GEM group, warmly received Kanamori Takeshi and his group, and accompanied them to visit Wuhan GHM Auto Parts Remanufacturing Co., Ltd. GEM (Wuhan) “Urban Mining” Museum, the intelligent information monitoring platform, ELV (End-of-Life Vehicle) and WEEE(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment) green dismantling workshops. On August 4th, Kanamori Takeshi and his group visited GEM(Jingmen) Recycling Industrial Park and paid a careful visit to GEM(Jingmen) PCB pyrolysis workshop, waste battery pre-treatment workshop and ternary power battery material production workshop.

In GHM, Deputy General Manager Zhou Jifeng introduced in detail the advantage of quality and price of remanufactured auto parts such as generators produced by GEM and Japan’s Mitsui compared with traditional auto parts, as well as the industrial competitiveness and capacity planning. In GEM (Wuhan) “Urban Mining” Museum, Kanamori Takeshi gave a high degree of certainty for GEM’s solid waste management ability and recycling ability. In ELV and WEEE green dismantling workshop, Deputy General Manager Zhou Jifeng introduced GEM’s ELV and WEEE industrial layout throughout China to Kanamori Takeshi and his group. Kanamori Takeshi expressed admiration to GEM’s advanced scale, huge industrial cluster and fully utilized treatment mode.

In GEM(Jingmen) Recycling Industrial Park, Deputy General Manager Zhou Jifeng introduced the PCB green pyrolyzing process which integrated the design concept of China Germany and France, the automatic processing technology of waste battery and ternary power battery material production workshop in turns to Kanamori Takeshi and his group. Kanamori Takeshi highly commended GEM’s complete industrial chain and high level production.

After the visit, Xu Kaihua, chairman of GEM Group, conducted a in-depth exchange with Kanamori Takeshi and his group, chief representative Kanamori Takeshi highly praised the great contribution GEM had made in the circular economy industry, he and his party hope to create a advantage complementary, mutual beneficial and win-win cooperation model, and expand the space for further cooperation with GEM.

说明: F:\2016项目普查\2016项目申报\重要参观--新闻稿\2016.6.18 工信部节能与综合利用司李力巡视员考察阳逻园区\IMG_0218.JPG

Fig. 1 Kanamori Takeshi(2nd from left), Chief Representative of Mitsui China, visited Wuhan GHM Auto Parts Remanufacturing Co., Ltd.

说明: F:\2016项目普查\2016项目申报\重要参观--新闻稿\2016.6.18 工信部节能与综合利用司李力巡视员考察阳逻园区\IMG_0240.JPG

Fig. 2 Kanamori Takeshi(middle), Chief Representative of Mitsui China, visited GEM (Wuhan) “Urban Mining” Museum

说明: F:\2016项目普查\2016项目申报\重要参观--新闻稿\2016.6.18 工信部节能与综合利用司李力巡视员考察阳逻园区\IMG_0272.JPG

Fig. 3 Kanamori Takeshi(1st from left), Chief Representative of Mitsui China, visited GEM (Wuhan) ELV green dismantling workshop

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Fig. 4 Kanamori Takeshi(1st from right), Chief Representative of Mitsui China, visited GEM (Jingmen) PCB pyrolysis workshop

说明: QQ图片20160804151628

Fig. 5 Kanamori Takeshi(3rd from left), Chief Representative of Mitsui China, took picture with GEM chairman Xu Kaihua


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