Warmly Celebrate the MOU Signing Ceremony between GEM and ECORPO
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:160

On the morning of 19th November 2015,GEM Co., Ltd(Hereafter GEM) and ECOPRO Co.,Ltd (Hereafter ECOPRO) signed the memorandum of understanding about the business of Lithium-ion power battery by using Nickel-Cobalt-Aluminum (Hereafter NCA) as cathode material in GEM (Jingmen) Recycling Industrial Park.

Both parties signed the memorandum of understanding, making comprehensive strategic cooperation and supply in batch ontechnical research and development, products supply, materials test and new products development of NCA power battery cathode material, which aims to make the “China Core” of power battery cathode materials all over the world, and to become the few top supplierstoprovide NCA power battery cathode material in the world, and hasimportantsignificance to improve global market share respectively on battery material market. Meanwhile, it has great impact on participating in international market competition of GEM power battery cathode materials, especially for breaking through international high-end market of power battery. It will also make GEM technique level of power battery cathode material industrial chain convergence with international, and improve the profitability and global core competition greatly of power battery cathode material.

ECOPRO is one of the most important NCA cathode material manufacturing enterprises in the world, which is also the sole NCA external supplier of Samsung SDI. GEM is one of China"s biggest manufacturing enterprises of anode materials and precursors for lithium-ion battery, which has the complete industry chain from recycling of used batteries, waste nickel and cobalt resources into Li-ion battery material.

Fig Signingceremony scene between ECOPRO a nd GEM

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