Mr. Sekiguchi, vice general manager, who is also the director of Metal Resource Department from Mitsui (Shanghai) Trading Company, and other guests visited GEM Headquarter
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:154

On the morning of 18th March 2015, Mr. Sekiguchi, vice general manager who is also the director of Metal Resource Department of Mitsui (Shanghai) Trading Company, and other guests visited GEM Headquarter. President Xu Kaihua and Mrs. Wangmin, the executive vice general manager warmly received them.

President Xu showed the visitors a range of GEM’s recycled products, such as cobalt, nickel, tungsten, gold, silver and palladium. He accompanied Director Sekiguchi to visit the remote real-time video monitoring platform and introduced the treating process of e-waste, ELV and scrap PCB, which showed the progress of waste treating level and new opportunities of recycling industry in China. Then, President Xu introduced GEM’s auto parts re-manufacture business, GEM’s plans and objectives in ELV industry and the progress of Wuhan auto parts re-manufacture project and other concerned issues to Director Sekiguchi.

Director Sekiguchi and his partners expressed their full confidence for Wuhan auto parts re-manufacture business. Their highly appreciated GEM’s advanced normative and orderly circular economy model and their highly endorsed GEM’s concept of recycling economy. They hoped to deepen the cooperation with GEM.

Figure  President Xu introduced GEM’s mainly recycled products to Minister Sekiguchi (2nd from right


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