Wang Tie, Vice Governor of People’s Government of Henan Province Visited Henan GEM
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:154

On the morning of 11th November 2014, Wang Tie, who was accompanied by Wang Xinjun, secretary of Lankao county party committee, Zhou Chenliang, head of Lankao County, and other relevant leaderships paid a visited to Henan GEM. The general manager of Henan GEM gave a warm reception to our guests and guided them to visit the urban mines museum and the dismantling workshop of electronic waste of Henan GEM.

In the urban mines museum, vice governor Wang has learned about the technology of information management of electronic waste dismantling, the representative collection of electrical and electronic products, high-tech environmentally products and a series of science and technology achievement in the field of urban mining.In the e-waste dismantling workshop, the leader of Henan GEM introduced the variety of electronic waste dismantling processes a n d the technology of dismantling products a n d in-depth processing, a n d then reported the industry planning of Henan GEM in Vice governor Wang affirmed the advanced conception of circular economic a n d the achievements in the field of urban mining. He commented that recycling industry has a bright further, hoped GEM became bigger and stronger, a n d to be a leading enterprises in Henan Province.

Fig 1. Vice governor Wang Tie (2nd from right) and other relevant leaders visited urban mines museum in GEM (Henan)

Fig. 2.Vice governor Wang Tie (3rd from right) and other relevant leaders visited electronic waste dismantling workshop of Henan GEM

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