Ruan Chengfa, a member of Hubei Provincial Standing Committee, Secretary of Wuhan Municipal Party, paid a visit to GEM (Wuhan) Urban Mining Recycling Industrial Park
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:162

On the Morning of 8thJuly2014 morning, Ruan Chengfa, a member of Hubei Provincial Standing Committee, Secretary of Wuhan Municipal Party who was accompanied by Jia Yaobin, a member of Wuhan City Standing Committee,Deputy Mayor of Wuhan City, paid an inspection visit to the construction site of GEM (Wuhan) Urban Mining Recycling Industrial Park. Jiao Hua, the general manager of the Company warmly welcomed the leaders and introduced the end-of-life vehicle recycling project plan and industrial layout of GEM (Wuhan) Urban Mining Recycling Industrial Park in detail.

General manager JiaoHua made a report on the plant layout and construction schedule of the industrial park to the leaders. When the park put into use, a highly automate and harmless scrap end-of-life vehicles recycling system and an international advanced automobile accessory renew industry system will be formed. E-waste, agricultural waste and scrap metal recycling industry will also be gradually improved. Thousands of jobs will be provided to the local area. Secretary Ruan highly affirmed the significance of this advanced end-of-life vehicle recycling project of GEM. Secretary Ruan asked about if there were problems during the construction of GEM end-of-life vehicle recycling project and said that the government would provide support to the development of environmental protection industries and he looked forward to huge development of GEM in the field of end-of-life vehicle recycling and accessories renew . At last, Secretary Ruan said that he will come to visit this industrial park again once the construction is completed.

Figure 1: General Manager JiaoHua introduced the industry layout of Wuhan industrial park to Secretary Ruan Chengfa (right)

Figure 2: Geneal Manager JiaoHua reported the end-of-life vehicle project construction scheduleto Secretary Ruan (2nd from left)

Figure 3: Secretary Ruan Chengfa (1st from left) asked about the difficulties during the construction of GEMWuhan Industrial Park

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