Borlange, Sweeden Delegation visited GEM (Wuhan) Urban Mining Circular Economy Industrial Park
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:153

  On May 9, 2014, Ms. Charlotta Olsson and others from Borlange, Sweeden Delegation accompanies with the leaders from Wuhan Commercial Bureau visited GEM (Wuhan) Urban Mining Circular Economy Industrial Park. G.M. Jiao Hua saw them around the factories, and made a deep communication on how to recycle the waste resources to the most degree.

  G.M. Jiao Hua gave an introduction on the Internet of Things (IOT) management system applied on the e-waste recycling, which showed the scientific and infomationization level. And then, Jiao Hua showed them around the circular economy museum to experience the histories of the home-appliance and the development of GEM’s recycling civilization, which was China President Xi’s visit route. The delegation witnessed how GEM turn the waste to wealth, and highly affirmed GEM’s philosophy “limited resources, unlimited recycling” and the decision to exploit the urban mines.

  In the meeting room, Jiao Hua and the delegation discussed about the treatment and recycling of two countries waste resources. Ms. Charlotta Olsson introduced the situation of Swedish citizens participate the recovery and the policy development environment of Sweden, and shared the advanced experience on production environment and treatment process. At last, Ms. Charlotta Olsson invited GEM staff to Sweden for visit and idea exchange. 

Photo 1 The guider introduced the technical patent and awards of GEM achieved to the delegates.

Photo 2 The delegates gave their autograph as a memento to support GEM’s circular economy development.

Photo 3 G.M. Jiao Hua (Left 2) explained the production process and how it worked to the delegates.

 Photo 4 The guider demonstrated the project case of WPC products to the delegates.

Photo 5 G.M. Jiao Hua (Left 2) is discussing about the circular economy industry with the delegates.

Photo 6 The delegates was taken photos for a memory.

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