Mr. Tong Zhang, provincial vice-Governor of Hubei visited Jingmen GEM
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:154

     November 9th 2012, provincial vice-Governor of Hubei Mr. Tong Zhang, provincial deputy Secretary-General of Hubei Mr. Meng Zhang, provincial Director-General of the Housing and Construction Department Mr. Weixia Yin, provincial deputy Director-General of the environmental protection bureau, accompanied by the mayor of Jingmen Mr. Yong Wan, visited Jingmen GEM Urban Mine Recycling Industrial Park to inspecting the progress of E-waste engineering technology research center construction.
     Vice general Manager of Jingmen GEM Mr. Xijin Lu showed them around the Jingmen GEM circulation exhibition hall, E-waste disassemble workshop, PCB processing workshop, rare metal experiment center, engineering technology research center and analysis center. Then, Mr. Xijin Lu gave a report about the disassemble process of E-waste.
     Mr. Tong Zhang highly praised GEM; he said GEM was in the forefront of the industry in industrial scales, advanced technology level and workshop environment quality. He is confident in the development of GEM, and he wish GEM will actively promote the E-waste treatment industry technology level.

Picture 1. The guests visiting Jingmen GEM circulation exhibition hall 

Picture 2. Mr. Tong Zhang highly praised the low carbon environmental protection industry of GEM 

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