The Lighting Ceremony of Luyuan Waste Mud Disposal Environmental Protection Co., LTD was Held Successfully
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:133

    October 29th 2012, the north part of Jingmen GEM Urban Mine Recycling Industrial Park was full of banners and adoring supporters, the lighting ceremony of environmental protection brick manufacturing plant of Luyuan Waste Mud Disposal Environmental Protection Co., LTD was held successfully, which marks the new industry chain of turning waste mud into environmental protection bricks is official extended by GEM.
Vice president of GEM Mr. Jifeng Zhou, vice general Manager of Jingmen GEM Mr. Xijin Lu and Mr. Danzhou Nai, general manager of Luyuan Mr. Fangkun Mou and other company leaders attended the ceremony. During the ceremony, all the persons in charge of the administration relayed the torch. Then, Mr. Fangkun Mou explained the technological process of environmental protection brick manufacturing, and lead people visit the whole production line.
As we have learned, Luyuan Waste Mud Disposal Environmental Protection Co., LTD is a new resource recovery industry chain of Jingmen GEM, this plant take a series of processes include crushing, mixing, fermentation, and then mixing, to burn the waste residue and waste mud into environmental protection bricks. The launch of Luyuan Waste Mud Disposal Environmental Protection Co., LTD strengthen the philosophy "limited resources, unlimited recycling" of GEM, and further fulfilled the social responsibility of whole processing and utilization of wastes.

Picture 1. Staff operation the Setting Machine

Picture 2. Setting machine moved the raw bricks onto the kiln car 

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