Mr. Jianlin Cao, vice minister of Ministry of Science and Technology Visited Jingmen GEM
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:164

      August 18th 2012, Mr. Jianlin Cao, vice minister of Ministry of Science and Technology, accompanied by the Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Hubei province Mr. Chuantie Liu, party secretary of Jingmen municipal committee Mrs. Ling Wang and Jingmen mayor Mr. Yong Wan visited Jingmen GEM Urban Mine Recycling Industrial Park.
      GEM’s Chief Executive Dr. Kaihua Xu gave them a warm reception and a detailed report, and then he showed the visitors around the monitoring system, E-waste warehouse, E-waste disassembly plant, WPC plant, and testing center. During the visit, Dr. Kaihua Xu told Mr. Jianlin Cao about the rapidly science and technology innovation, industrialization and achievements made by GEM, and GEM appreciates the great support offered by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Mr. Cao gave a high evaluation on GEM, and he said the government will continue to support GEM, to make great contribution to national economy. Dr. Kaihua Xu said GEM will try the best to become the leading enterprise of Jingmen recycling economy.

Picture 1: Mr. Jianlin Cao, Mr. Chuantie Liu, Mrs. Ling Wang visited GEM recycling exhibition hall 

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