Mr. Xinshe Lu, Governor of Jiangxi Visited Jiangxi GEM
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:159

    April 24th 2012, the governor of Jiangxi province Mr. Xinshe Lu visited Jiangxi GEM Urban Mine Resources Recycling Industrial Park. And the municipal secretary of Yichun committee Mr. Yishen Xie accompanied with him.
    Mr. Xinshe Lu came to the GEM urban mine exhibition hall first, Dr. Kaihua Xu expounded the idea of Urban Mine in detail. Then Mr. Xinshe Lu came to the electronic waste disassembling processing workshop and WPC manufacturing workshop, to investigate the electronic waste recycling and manufacturing technology. Dr. Kaihua Xu gave a detailed account, and then they discussed on some technical problems.
    Before leaving, Mr. Xinshe Lu pointed out that social development was facing resources and environment problems which were the most important issues, and hope GEM can still invest and develop in Jiangxi. Dr. Kaihua Xu said GEM will try the best to become the lead horse of Jiangxi recycling economy.

Picture 1: Mr. Xinshe Lu listened to the report about the idea of Urban Mine 

Picture 2: Dr. Kaihua Xu explained the E-waste treatment process technology principle to Mr. Lu

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