Mr. Yongxiang Lu, the vice-Chairman of National People"s Congress Visited GEM
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:161

    January 28th 2012, accompanied by Mr. Yong Chen, the president of Chinese Academy of Sciences Guangdong Branch, and Shenzhen Municipal Leading Group, Mr. Yongxiang Lu, the vice-Chairman of National People"s Congress visited GEM Shajing Branch. GEM's Chief Executive Dr. Kaihua Xu, Deputy General Manager Mrs. Ming Wang gave them a warm reception.
    The visitors were showed around the WPC ecological garden, WPC production workshop, analysis center, R&D center and honor exhibition center. In the information monitoring center, Dr. Kaihua Xu introduced the construction of GEM's Recycling Industry Park in Shenzhen, Hubei, Jiangxi and Henan, which was highly admired by Mr. Yongxiang Lu. By watching the on-line monitoring system, Mr. Lu sawed the comprehensive utilization of WEEE by GEM and the industrial chain status, and he speaks highly on GEM's E-waste disposal industry chain. 

Picture 1: Mr. Yongxiang Lu visited WPC production workshop

Picture 2: Dr. Kaihua Xu introduced the information monitoring system to Mr. Yongxiang Lu

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