Guosheng Wang, the governor of Hubei province met Dr. Kaihua Xu
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:170
On May 25th 2011, Hubei provincial governor Guosheng Wang along with party delegation visited Shenzhen City and he met Dr. Kaihua Xu, the president of GEM at Hubei Hotel. Dehui Fu, the secretary-general of Hubei government and other leaders from Shenzhen Office of Hubei province attended the meeting. Provincial governor Guosheng Wang intensively listened Dr. kaihua Xu’s introduction of GEM’s investment and development in Hubei province. He highly affirmed GEM’s contribution in the development of circular economy in Hubei province. Provincial governor Guosheng Wang was very pleased to hear that GEM was constructing a circular industrial park of recycling urban mine resources in Jingmen City. He immediately expressed that provincial government would strongly support GEM’s development of circular economy which was represented in the urban mine resources exploration.

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