Zhang Shudong, deputy director of Ministry of Commerce visits Jiangxi
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:160
On 9th, Nov, 2010, Zhang Shudong--deputy director, and Li Jiajian-- division chief, of Business Service Division of Ministry of Commerce, visit Jiangxi GEM and survey her progress in processing recycled electronic household appliances , under the companion of Li Qinghua, deputy director, and Li Ke, section chief of Jiangxi Provincial Department of Commerce. Xu Kaihua, president of GEM, offered a warm reception.

The delegation has visited the e-waste dismantling line, the “old-for-new” warehouse, and GEM exhibition hall. Following that, Mr Xu delivered a report on GEM’s practice in recycling and processing of wasted batteries and e-wastes. Mr Zhang highly praised GEM’s contribution in the reclaiming of “urban mines”. In the end, the leaders visited the resource recycling industrial base of Jiangxi GEM.

Picture 1: Mr Zhang (right) and Ms Li (left in the front) exchanged ideas with Mr Xu

Picture 2: Mr Zhang learning about the advanced e-waste processing technologies of GEM

Picture 3: Mr Zhang and Ms Li, guided by Mr Xu, visit GEM exhibition hall

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