Mr. Xinmin Li, Inspector of Environmental Protection Ministry Pollution Prevention and Control Division Visited Jiangxi GEM
Publish Date:2017-01-16 Hits:170

    November 30th 2011, the inspector of the Environmental Protection Ministry pollution prevention and control Division, Mr. Xinmin Li; the Vice-Director of provincial Environmental Protection Bureau in Jiangxi, Mr. Laifa Luo visited Jiangxi GEM to investigate the operation of old-for-new service. Assistant of GEM’s general manager, Mrs. Jian Wang; Jiangxi GEM’s general manager, Mr. Xijin Lu gave them a warm reception. And they are accompanied by the director of Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Mr. Shuiyun Xu; the mayor of Fengcheng, Mr. Sanyuan Jin.
    Mr. Xinmin Li hope GEM would adhere to regulate dismantling concept, continued to strengthen and expand electronic waste recycling industry, and the Environmental Protection Ministry will support GEM as always. 

Picture 1: Mr. Xinmin Li listened to the explanation of monitoring system

Picture 2: Mr. Xinmin Li watched the in-stockroom operation of E-waste

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