Warmly Welcome Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto, tenured technical adviser of GEM, honorary professor of University of Tokyo, internationally renowned environmental material scientist and the founder of environmental material discipline,to visit GEM (Wuhan
Publish Date:2017-11-28 Hits:205

On the morning of March 30th, 2017, Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto, tenured technical adviser of GEM, honorary Professor of University of Tokyo, the founder of environmental material discipline; Professor Wang Tianmin from Beihang University and Dr. Song Yizhou, executive director of Shincrom Co., Ltd. and Akira Nakashima, the Chairman of the board of Re-Tem Co,. Ltd. visited GEM (Wuhan) Recycling Industrial Park with the accompany of Chairman of the Board of GEM, Professor Xu Kaihua.

Accompanied by Chairman Xu Kaihua, Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto and other delegates visited automobile parts remanufacturing centre, “Urban Mining” museum, intelligent information monitoring platform, end-of-life vehicle sustainable dismantling plant, plastic products recycling plant, WEEE sustainable management plant and power battery production base. Afterwards, a seminar was held in which Chairman Xu Kaihua expressed his sincere gratitude for Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto’s visit, introduced a 15-year history of GEM’s development since the establishment and the industrial goals and plans for the future.

Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto commented that it was a great honour to be the tenured technical adviser of GEM. GEM has been a very successful recycling company, as a model for ecologic economy, sustainable economy and circular economy.

Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto complimented GEM on “Putting social benefits first and profits second is the way to leave a good name that will live forever”. He believes that GEM’s efforts on sticking to environmental ethics will make it last for 100 years. In addition, GEM’s development goals are closely relevant to the concept of sustainable development proposed by the United Nations, therefore, GEM will be widely recognized by the international community on its way towards globalisation.

Accompanied by Prof.Xu Kaihua, the group of Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto visited the Auto Parts Remanufacturing Base,the Urban Mining Museum,the Intelligent Information Monitoring Platform,the Scrapped Automobiles Green Dismantling Plant,the Plastic Products Reusing Plant, the WEEE Green Processing Plant, and the Production Base of Traction Battery Package.Then subsequently,the Prof.Xu Kaihua discussed and exchanged with the group.And Prof.Xu expressed heartfelt thanks for the direction from Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto,and introduced the development over 15 years of GEM since it was founded as well as its industry target and development program.Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto said that it’s his pleasure to be the tenured technical consultant of GEM.And that GEM is a successful recycling industry company,a brilliant model of environmental economy,green economy and recycling economy.Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto thought that what GEM is doing “put the righteousness before profit,resound through ages” and he supported GEM.Sticking to the environmental ethics,Creating the everlasting enterprise.The development target of GEM is closely related to the the sustainable development object of the united nation.And he believed that GEM could be widely accepted by the international community in the internationalization path.

Chairman Xu Kaihua commented that the corporate culture of GEM in its third strategic period would be “Promote Recycling and Pursue Perfection”. Driven by the goal of making a 100-year enterprise, GEM will carry out the spirit of environmental ethics, making contributions to resource and environmental industry with social responsibility and value. In the end of the forum, Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto gladly inscribed for GEM with the content of “Limited Resources, Unlimited Recycling. Putting social benefits first and profits second is the way to leave a good name that will live forever”. 

President Xu Kaihua said that GEM will implement the enterprise culture of “Road cycle, fine nature” in the third strategic period. GEM will do a hundred years enterprise as the goal, the environmental ethics as a kind of spirit, to make resource environment industry, return social responsibility and social value regression. After the forum, professor  Ryoichi Yamamoto pleased for the GEM inscription "limited resources, unlimited recycling, profit after the first will be remembered throughout the ages”, to express eagerly expectation and beautiful blessing.

As Chairman Xu Kaihua’s tutor and international well-known environmental material scientist, Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto has been supporting GEM for its innovations and entrepreneurship all the time. On April 29, 2002, Professor Ryoichi Yamamoto personally inaugurated for GEM’ s setting up, and published  “A Sinɡle Spark Can Start a Prairie Fire” to convey the power of innovation, in GEM’ s pilot phase stage, Yamamoto Yoshihito once again visited GEM, and pleased to write “ GEM, Chinese circulation technology pioneer, environmental management advanced enterprise" to encourage GEM.

 The professor Yamamoto Yoshihito regardless of advanced age and international journey tired, once again conveyed green development to encourage GEM, undoubtedly brought the world masters strong spiritual power for the GEM in the third strategic development, encouraging GEM’ s staff roll up their sleeves and work with added energy!


Figure 1 Professor Yamamoto Yoshihito (2nd from left) , visited GEM(wuhan) “Urban Mining” Museum


Figure 2  Professor Yamamoto Yoshihito and GEM group senior leader forum


Figure 3 Professor Yamamoto Yoshihito (fifth from left), president Xu Kaihua (forth from left) and company’s leaders took photos.


Figure 4 On April 29th, 2002, GEM entered in the Peach Garden incubator center, professor Yamamoto Yoshihito inaugurated for GEM’ s setting up


Figure 5 On April 29th, 2002, professor Yamamoto Yoshihito(2nd from left) settled ceremony speech in Shenzhen,, Baoan science and Technology Innovation Park, the first R & D Center.


Figure 6 On October 24th , 2005, tenured technical consultant of GEM group, Honorary Professor of Tokyo University, International Famous Material Scientist, the founder of Environmental Materials Yamamoto Yoshihito (2nd from left) visited GEM.


Figure 7 On October 24th , 2005, professor Yamamoto Yoshihito made inscription for GEM

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